Guarantors: Doc. PaedDr. Ladislav Podroužek, Ph.D.
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Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to analyze the focus of the educational area Man and his world with an emphasis on the integrated teaching of the first - natural part of this educational area. The aim is to deepen and broaden primary and scientific knowledge and skills in students with regard to their activities at elementary school. The student will be able to do didactic analysis of the subject and use practically different types of content integration curriculum of Man and his world. Emphasis is placed on the professional and didactic reflection of selected educational fields of the educational area Man and his world and on practical applications usable in teaching. At the same time, attention is also focused on the process of teaching with the use of activating forms and methods of teaching (research, observation, morphological exercises, cooperative and project teaching, etc.) and the use of material didactic resources specific to primary and science teaching, including textbooks. Part of the lesson is also an analysis of the selected region and its regional natural sciences.