Methodology of Elementary Education
Guarantors: Doc. PaedDr. Ladislav Podroužek, Ph.D.
Milé studentky, milí studenti,
přeji Vám mnoho úspěchů a trpělivosti při studiu "Didaktiky 1. stupně základní školy" a doufám, že její studium bude přínosem pro Vaši budoucí učitelskou práci.
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Course annotation
The aim of the course is to analyze the most important concepts of teaching in the historical and social context and curriculum in Czech basic education, to understand the didactic transformation of the subject, to understand the didactic analysis of the subject and to apply its basic steps to the primary school environment, to integrate educational contents and their transdisciplinary overlaps, to formulate goals in the cognitive, attitude and psychomotor level, to select meaningful content of the curriculum (incl. , and to design and describe teaching strategies, select and, if appropriate, create teaching texts supporting pupil thinking and co-education, analyze ways of verifying learning outcomes, evaluate opportunities and processes of school evaluation, apply pedagogical diagnostics (pupil, teacher self-diagnosis, teaching), plan and reflect pedagogical work, incl. teaching teacher training, pedagogical communication and interaction, teacher-parent collaboration, the use of action research.
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