Guarantors: doc. JUDr. František Vavera, Ph.D., LL.M.
Obhajoba diplomové práce z oboru Trestní právo je součástí státní závěrečné zkoušky a osvědčuje studentovu schopnost prezentovat a obhájit svoji odevzdanou písemnou kvalifikační práci.
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The main aim of the defence of Diploma Thesis is to prove students'ability of self-employed creative and scientific work within the studied field and with respect to his/her future professional or study interests or further PhD studies. The emphasis lies in a critical choice of method, creating a relevant theoretical frame of reference, and an extensive analysis of the theoretical and empirical material, where the author should make a contribution to the chosen subject or problem area. In addition, development of presentation and argumentation skills is aimed.