Aviation Law
Guarantors: doc. JUDr. František Vavera, Ph.D., LL.M.
Studenti se seznámí s historií a dělením leteckých oborů, s problematikou ochrany letectví před protiprávními činy, vyšetřováním leteckých nehod a výklad je doplněn rozborem významných rozhodnutí či případů leteckých nehod.
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Information about course
Brief information |
Aviation Law
Teaching |
Summer semester
Seminar 2 [Hours/Week]
Completion |
3 credits,
Course has neither
recommended (for your information)
Course annotation
The course is designed as an elective, optional for students who would be more involved in aviation in the future, whether as lawyers or in-house lawyers, employees of professional aviation authorities or institutes (ÚCL, ÚZPLN) or as professional teachers or journalists. Students should be briefly acquainted with the history and division of aviation, they should acquire the basic terminology, they should also be acquainted with the public regulation of civil aviation (including current principles of environmental protection / climate protection, protection against the negative effects of aviation /) , with the issue of aviation security (including criminal consequences). They will also get acquainted with the methodology of billing air accidents. Furthermore, with the range of private law relations arising in the field of air transport, with the Community regulation of aviation as well as with the issue of air accident investigation. The interpretation should be supplemented by an analysis of significant decisions or cases and enlivened by presentations by aviation professionals (pilots, flight crew members, flight technicians, managers, air accident investigators, etc.). |
Začátek výuky LEP
08.02.2025, 07:36
Výuka LEP začne 17.2.2025