European Union Law 2
Guarantors: doc. JUDr. Monika Forejtová, Ph.D.
Course annotation
The goal of this module is the enclosure of the module EU Law I. The learning program introduces the detailed analysis of specific legal institutes of EC/EU legal concept in practice. Students should focus on application of 4 freedoms in practice - freedom of movements of goods, capital, services, people. Main study of major judicial decisions of ECD/EFI, which created a new legal principles in free movement´s concept. Students should master the knowledge of procedural principles of direct and indirect actions and preliminary rulings procedure - mainly the position and duties of national courts within the EC/EU law application. Principle of cooperation between the community and national courts. Students should master the procedure of making decision on supranational level. Procedure of cooperation between the courts - ( for instance principles of mail delivery, judicial cooperation, execution of the judgements, extradition, European Arrest Warrant etc.) Relationship of national and supranational organs. Main question of EC/EU future - Lisbon Treaty - ratification procedure. The module will take place in two hours a week and two hours of seminars a week. |
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19.05.2020, 10:13